Good afternoon all,
There have been some thoughts and comments roaming the halls of JK recently regarding potential development and we wanted to share what we know and have experienced…
Around the holidays, Nancy Slattery, our Board President, along with management, met with the principals of Fern Hill Development for a general discussion on a few ideas they had for different locations of the Moody Campus (see above). As you can see from the rendering, anything that were to be built or converted in the shaded plots would or could have an impact on our Association.
It is our goal to share with you that nothing is set in stone (PUN fully intended) at this time and Fern Hill is performing the normal exploratory investigation and communicating with neighbors to obtain our thoughts, to share their thoughts. So how do you find out more and quash any of the rumors that you may have overheard at the grocery store or local coffee shop? All you have to do is visit Fern Hill’s Community Engagement Website.
Now they will ask for your email and some other info and opinions, but this is a great way to stay on top of the myriad of possibilities that could be created right outside your door – who knows, there may even be an upscale indoor dog park with adult beverages and a disco ball, because, who doesn’t just love a disco dachshund?
Seriously, check out the link and learn about neighborhood intentions, meet the team at Fern Hill and most importantly, leave a comment – getting involved in your neighborhood can be so rewarding!
Thanks for taking the time to read… now its weekend hot coco time!