Happy summer(ish) Friday to all the kind people of JK!
We are in for a hot one this week and into next, so I will make this brief so you can get back to the A/C or beach =)
Pool season is upon us and Melissa at HOA asked if we could pass along the following message:
HOA and FFC are excited to be opening the Sandburg Village pools this year! We know that the key to a great season is great people. If you know someone safety and hospitality minded who would be a great fit for the Sandburg community please have them apply through the links below!
Thank you from HOA and FFC!

The garage door at James House (loading dock area) was damaged during a high-wind event last Friday. The repair process and parts are ordered, however, it may be another week before everything will be back to normal.
We appreciate your patience during this time!