Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And days of auld lang syne?
Old long since the days when Robert Burns, in 1788, first put plume to paper offering his poetic anthem which has been a time-honored tradition for the world to say goodbye to a year, welcoming in a new one… this year, and maybe in a most grateful way, we can give thanks to the promises in which 2021 is expected to share.
What will you be doing this New Year’s Eve, I wonder? Will you have a resolution? Are there traditions which you’ve celebrated that will continue to be a mainstay in our next segment of life?
An old acquaintance which has been resolute in my home, ever since I was small (so, so long ago since I can remember being “small”) was to not spend money in January. The goal was to eat all the food that was in the depths of the freezer, get pantry creative – plenty of soups – and start off the calendar by focusing on what we have, rather than exercising consumer strengths by shopping till we were dropping. This carries on each year and is an awesome way for me to reflect on how fortunate I am… also nice to see a bank account grow, even if it is for a short while.
Maybe you have a great tip to share for us all? If you do, we want to know! Send an email to: [email protected] and you may see your sage advice hit the big screen (website) at JK during the month of January =)
So what ever you may do or where ever you may be, we wish you all the best this New Year’s Eve!
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet
For auld lang syne!