HOA will be putting the final touches on the circle/fountain area construction project this week and then for a bit of next week… here is what you can expect to see:
Thursday and Friday the circle area will be closed to pedestrian traffic as well as motor vehicles so that expansion joints can be installed at the concrete breaks. This will include the ramp going up to the pool deck area – similar to the closures that we saw during the main part of the construction, only without the fencing; this time it will just be cones and caution tape.
Monday and Tuesday, of next week, HOA will be painting curbs – it will be nice to get a refresh of yellow! Please use caution and pay attention to the “wet paint” signage as well as barriers for the workspace.
Construction hours for all of these scheduled days are from 7:00am to 5:00pm – weather permitting, of course. Outside of those hours and on the weekend, the circle area will be open and not blocked off in any way.
The fountain is almost ready to be on at full force and in all it’s glory… just another week before we see the magical water feature!